A creep pen is an area designed for foals to rest and eat without interference from other horses. Within a creep pen, neither their dam nor any other horse living with the foal can compete for food or disturb them when they rest there. The foal has the ability to move freely from the creep pen to the larger pen at will.
In the wild, a foal struggling to get more food, water, or rest has few options. It’s keep up with the herd or die.
“Nature is cruel, but we don’t have to be.” Temple Grandin
Our creep pens were built by my husband, Steve Hugus. They are ten feet square and are located within the larger pen where the dam and foal live together. The sides facing the longer side of the bigger pens have eight-foot gates that can be opened wide or kept closed next to two-foot spaces that are wide enough for a foal, but not an adult horse. The dam can be close to the foal so as not to become alarmed at her absence. To help encourage the use of creep pens, we will hang the dam’s hay net along one side of the creep pen so the dam will stand next to the creep pen for extended periods of time. This encourages the foal to use the creep pen and still be comforted by its dam’s presence.
We generally introduce the foal to their creep pens at 2-3 weeks. At this point, they trust us enough to allow us to guide them through the opening meant just for them. We place hay and some feed in a hook-over feed bucket, just like all of our other horses have. Foals are quick to imitate their dams, so they get used to putting their heads in those buckets somewhere in week three. When they see it in the creep pen, they know just what to do.
Foals will start to enter their creep pens on their own within a day or two. The food there is a powerful motivator.
Our creep pens are also meaningful areas to get acquainted with foals. The foal can move around their pen easily, but they can’t leave once we stand in the opening created small enough to keep adult horses out. The first few times we ask a foal to enter its creep pen and stay there, it can become somewhat fearful of being separated from its dam, its source of comfort, safety, and food. Over time, once they realize they are in no danger from us or from being permanently separated from their dam, they are happy to come in and interact with us.
The creep pen is where foals learn to stop fearing us as predators. They start to see us as oddly shaped members of their herd. Our behavior is different from horses, but they learn not to be fearful of our behaviors.
Learning from us is established in the creep pen. Relaxation is the primary focus as we play with the foal in those critical first days and weeks of life. Relaxation is the key to long-term learning, safety, willingness, and understanding as the foal matures.
The creep pen is where we usually start to pick up a foal’s feet in preparing it for picking and trimming its hooves. It’s often where we will first place a halter on them. It’s where we can teach them the basics of moving in response to steady pressure, the basis for 90% of riding. A creep pen is a great tool for the early development of a relationship with humans that will last a lifetime.
As many have, any horse lover can come out to the HAAP farm and pass through the gate to our 35-acre pasture/training area. There, a group of young horses that have been raised this way will greet the visitor with curious minds, polite noses, and questions about whether or not they carry horse treats in their pockets. If a halter is presented, they will put their noses in it respectfully. They can be separated from their herd mates with no worry. They are eager to learn and happy to spend time with humans.
When people use the term, “breaking horses”, it makes me cringe. You can read my feelings on this subject here. Our horses are never broken. Instead, it is our goal to fold ourselves into their world and vice versa. The creep pen is an excellent first tiny arena to start doing that.
What a fabulous idea. What a safe and comforting sanctuary for the youngster.